Mortlake Papers
We're very pleased to be among the first stockists of this fantastic range of greeting cards from Mortlake Papers, the latest venture from Alice Lickens. The eagle eyed amongst you will recognise the name as we have sold work by Alice in the past.
The cards are die cut and digitally printed from Alice's original paintings and collages. They're perfect for pretty much every occasion. From fairy tale mushrooms to un-wobbly jelly to stove top coffee pots and even a croissant. These cards will be hard to part with!

Mortlake Papers was established by award-winning illustrator Alice Lickens in October 2022.

Each design starts life as a drawing, collage or painting made by Alice in her South London studio. The artwork is digitised so that every brush stroke, inked line and texture can be seen in the finished product.

Every card is printed on recycled paper and paired with a vegan 100% recycled paper envelope (no animal glues or pigments used here). Their packing is plastic free and compostable; they aim to tread as lightly on the planet as possible.