Care Guide

Caring for Original Prints, Artwork and Posters

Try to avoid handling your artwork as much as possible. Hands should be spotlessly clean and do not use hand cream which can leave a greasy residue on the artwork.

When removing prints printed on heavy paper from tubes, allow the paper to relax naturally for a few hours or up to a couple of days instead of forcing the curled paper flat. This can sometimes cause creasing to the paper if it is forced to flatten. A warm hairdryer on low can sometimes help to relax the fibres, but do take great care if you try this as the paper can be blown across the room!

Pick up prints using both hands to avoid creasing or crimping. If you are unused to handling prints then if you pick up the print at diagonal corners you will avoid any damage.

If you are unused to rolling prints, it is inadvisable to roll expensive artwork into tubes. If you are going to attempt to roll artwork, do not use two hands to fold the top edge, this will invariably cause creasing and damage your print, gently ease it into a roll. Tissue paper helps to slide it into a roll. At Soma, when training people in rolling artwork, we would practice on sheets of paper first to show how easy it was to cause creases.

Keep out of direct sunlight. Try to avoid hanging valuable artwork above radiators and keep away from open fires to avoid smoke damage.

If you plan to store your prints for any length of time, you should ideally remove them from tubes and store flat. It may be worth investing in a portfolio case. Use protective acid free tissue paper and museum quality acid free mount board to keep your prints in top condition. Tubes and grey board are not suitable for long term storage as they are not acid free materials.

Cyanotype prints are an exception: they require storage in an unbuffered material. Calcium carbonate that is used in buffered mountboard and some tissue can cause a chemical reaction that can 'bleach' cyanotypes. A good framer will be able to help.

If hung against against an outside wall, make sure there is space between the frame and the wall to allow for airflow which will prevent any condensation which can damage the print. Check periodically.

Keep in a cool, dry, well ventilated place. Changes in temperature and humidity can affect paper.